Queer Places:
Tommy’s 299 Club, 299 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94133
Cedarlawn Cemetery Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, USA

Betty Ross Corder (August 25, 1931 – January, 1982), who, for various unconfirmed reasons ranging from debt avoidance to stage names, used the aliases Terry Hall and Pam Holloway. The latter was a name used by a Bourbon Street burlesque dancer in 1952, but it is unclear whether Corder was that performer. Corder’s life is reflected through correspondence dating from 1951, directed to several aliases at different French Quarter addresses as well as California locations including Tommy’s 299 Club, a famous San Francisco lesbian bar. Corder’s mother, Jane, was her primary correspondent, and the letters frequently lament Corder’s absence from home and warn of the dangers of narcotics.

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