Queer Places:
Hanover College, 484 Ball Dr, Hanover, IN 47243
Eric Arvin (May 6, 1975 - December 12, 2016) was
a gay fiction author.
Eric Anthony Arvin was born on May 6, 1975, in Madison, Indiana. He was the son of James L. and Patricia Ann Bradley Arvin. He resided all of his life in Jefferson County and was a 1993 graduate of Southwestern High School. He received his Bachelor of Science from Hanover College.
Eric was a professional writer all of his life writing gay fiction and romance novels. He enjoyed reading and writing. He is the author of: The Rest Is Illusion, Subsurdity: Vignettes from Jasper Lane, Slight Details & Random Events, Gone to the Movies, Kid Christmas Meets Snow Globes, Suburbilicious (Vignettes from Jasper Lane #2), Kid Christmas Rides Again, Simple Men, Another Enchanted April, Woke Up in a Strange Place, Man Falls Down, Galley Proof, She's Come Undone, Miss Locks, Roids, Rumps & Revenge, SuburbaNights (Vignettes from Jasper Lane #3), The Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men (The River Dwellers, #2), Azrael and the Light Bringer (The River Dwellers, #1), Wave Goodbye to Charlie, The Rascal, Terms We Have for Dreaming. Plus he published stories in various anthology like Erotica Exotica: Tales of Sex, Magic, and the Supernatural. The Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men won a 2013 Rainbow Award as Best Gay Fantasy.
While in grad school in Australia, he was diagnozed with a rare disease, Cavernous himangiomas, which paralyzed him the last four years of his life. His father, James L. Arvin, died on December 26, 1993, of the same illness. He died on December 12, 2016, at the King's Daughters' Hospital in Madison, Indiana.
My published books: