Husband Phil Garlick
Bowie (born October 5) was born and raised in Aberdeen, Scotland. He left home
at age eighteen for the bright lights of London. For the next twelve years, he
sang, danced and acted his way around the theatres of London and the
provinces, appearing in shows with many famous British singers, actors and
While working aboard a cruise ship JP met Phil Garlick (born January 24), a singer/guitarist who entertained in the ship’s nightclub. Phil is originally from Washington DC and worked the east coast cabaret circuit extensively. After their life on the ocean wave ended, they joined one another in California, moved to Las Vegas, then back to California where they now live in San Diego.
They married on May 12, 2014: “We've been 'living in sin' for 21 years so it's time don't you think?” JP is a prolific writer of gay romance novels and the two are enjoying their new life in sunny California, reuniting with old friends and making new ones. “If the future is as good as the past we’ll be just fine.”
My published books: