Wife Edrie Ferdun
Queer Places:
158 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139
"Jan" Felshin (born December 29, 1931) and
Edrie Marlene Ferdun, retired professors who live
in Cherry Grove, Pennsylvania, and Florida, have been together since
1959. At their wedding in Mandeville Canyon, in Los Angeles, in 2008 they
were joined by four other lesbian couples. Jan and Edrie met in
Berkeley, California, where Jan was a teacher and Edrie, a senior, just
six years Jan’s junior.
In the winter Edrie Ferdun, and Jan Felshin enjoy a warm and urban existence in their duplex at Miami's South Beach; in the summer they retreat to their cottage on Fire Island; and in the transitional seasons they enjoy spring wildflowers and autumn leaves at their rustic cabin on a creek in the Poconos. Each place is furnished and comfortable -- they travel from one to another with their cat and minimal luggage in their 2001 Acura. "We've had three places so long," Dr. Ferdun said, "that each one of them feels like home." They began with two residences. Dr. Felshin commuted several days a week from their small mountain house in Tannersville, Pa., to East Stroudsburg State University, where she taught physical education, while Dr. Ferdun ran the graduate dance program at Temple University and stayed at their three-bedroom house in Philadelphia (which they have since sold). In 1977 they bought a two-bedroom cottage in Cherry Grove, on Fire Island. And in 1985 they paid $15,000 for a studio unit in a refurbished motel in Miami's South Beach that they have now expanded, with additional purchases, to a two-bedroom duplex. "We didn't plan this," Dr. Ferdun said, "but we always loved to run away to special places."
My published books: