Partner Tor Jonsson
Queer Places:
2690 Skjåk, Norway
Jan-Magnus Bruheim ( 15 February 1914 –10 August 1988) was a Norwegian poet and children's writer. Tor Jonsson was a Norwegian poet. Jonsson had at least one close friend, the poet
Jan-Magnus Bruheim. They
planned to build a cabin together in the mountains, a cabin Bruheim had to
build alone. He called it Torbu (‘ Tor's cottage’) after his friend. Bruheim's
poem ‘Venetape’ (‘ Friend's loss’) is a love poem written after the death of
Tor Jonsson: ‘I'm standing here in front closed, calling on you / from the
solitary shore by the quiet lake / The cries break out of depth: Come back. /
But friendship wakes no one up from death.’
Bruheim was born at Skjåk in Oppland, Norway. He was the son of Mathias Bruheim (1882-1967) and Torø Jonsdotter Lund (1880-1929). After graduation from gymnasium, Bruheim spent one year at Viken kristelege ungdomsskole at Gjøvik. From 1958 to 1961 he was a teacher at Øygardskulen in Skjåk.[1] He published over forty books including twenty poetry collections and a range of children's books with poems and rhyme. His first poetry collection was Stengd dør from 1941. Among his children's books are Skrythøna from 1956, Røyskatten from 1961, and Doggmorgon from 1977. [2] [3] He was awarded the Dobloug Prize in 1963.[4]
Bruheim grew up as the fourth in a sibling group of six on the farm Larskvee in Lundagrende in Skjåk. Growing up, he got to take part in a rich spiritual life. Bruheim had a close relationship with the homestead and the surrounding nature. After his siblings grew up and moved away from home, he was living at home on the farm with his father,until his eldest brother Hans took over. Bruheim was unmarried and lived in Skjåk all his life, with the exception of the years 1978-85, when he lived in Botnane in Bremanger.
He died at his home in Skjåk during 1988.[5]
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