Queer Places:
Nieuwe RK Begraafplaats, Nieuwe Hilversumseweg 59, 1406 TR Bussum, Netherlands
Jacobus Johannes Exler ( Schiedam , February 21, 1882 - Naarden , September
21, 1939 ) was a Dutch writer, advocate for the rights of homosexuals and
co-founder of the Dutch Scientific Humanitarian Committee , astrologer ,
theosophist and chicken breeder.
[2] In 1911, he published his only (trend) novel, Levensleed (Lifetime)
, with a foreword by German sexologist
Magnus Hirschfeld
, in which he denounced the treatment of homosexuals and denounced their
contempt for them.
The homosexual was presented with medical arguments as a third gender,
alongside women and men.
Lifetime was favorably discussed in the literary magazine Den Gulden
Winckel .
[3] A few prints and a translation in German followed.
1913, Exler was elected as a delegate ( Obmann ) to the German
Wissenschaftlich-Humanitarian Committee of Hirschfeld, an honor he shared with
Jacob Schorer
and Lucien von
Römer , but he did not develop any activities.
Exler was active as an astrologer, handler and theosophist, writing about the effect of the great pyramid of Giza on the near future and pulling horoscopes of his chickens. [4] He was buried at the General and New RK Cemetery of Bussum . [5] After his death, Greet Hofmans , who lived in Exler's house in Hattem, claimed to have "passed on" to Queen Juliana thanks to Exler's spirit. [6]
My published books: