de Faria (October 15, 1908 – October 17, 1980) was a Brazilian journalist and
writer. He was elected a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters on January
13, 1972. He was most noted as author of the monumental testimonial (and
prophetic) A Tragédia burguesa (The Bourgeois Tragedy).
In a noted essay, "Pandeísmo em Carlos Nejar",[1] de Faria "spoke of the pandeism of Carlos Nejar"; in the evaluation of Giovanni Pontiero,
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Otávio de Faria póde falar, com razão, de um pandeísmo de Carlos
Nejar. Não uma poesia panteísta, mas pandeísta. Quero dizer, uma
cosmogonia, um canto geral, um cancioneiro do humano e do divino. Mas
o divino no humano". Translation: "Otávio de Faria spoke of the pandeism of Carlos Nejar. Not a pantheist poetry, but pandeist. I want to say, a cosmogony, one I sing generally, a chansonnier of the human being and the holy ghost. But the holy ghost in the human being.[2] |
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He was born in Rio de Janeiro, son of Alberto Faria and Maria Teresa de Almeida Faria, and in Rio de Janeiro he died.
My published books: