Rafael Da Costa (June 25, 1909 - October 30, 1970), former name Herbert Hass,
was born in Vienna in 1909, the son of Therese Ruth Gluckman and Phillip Robert Petahya Da Costa.
He was educated at Begabtenschule, Traiskirchen and the Conservatoire in Vienna.
He became a journalist in Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, a political and musical correspondent of Central Eureopan newspapers. In 1933 he settled in Jerusalem, becoming music critic and music editor of the Palestine Post. There he was married twice, to
Hilde Rachel Robitschek (in 1933 in Vienna), and Marietta Lupescu (in Palestine).
He divorced Rachel in January, 1939 (aged 30) and Marietta in 1949 (aged 40).
He had one son and one daughter. By 1949 he was still at the Palestine Post, and he had been editor on the Palestine Post for 15 years. Something then took him to London where he worked on a Zionist newspaper (shtern), and then to the US where he was working on some project due to end in January 1952.
Peggy Glanville-Hicks met him at the beginning of 1951, they began an affair, and married on 4 January 1952 but they divorced as soon as a year was up in 1953. Peggy Glanville-Hickswas an Australian composer. She was previously married to British composer Stanley Bate, who was homosexual. Like Bate, many of the men with whom Glanville-Hicks was close were gay; she had few intimate female friends, and often dressed in male attire.
Rafael Da Costa died in New York in 1970.
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