Queer Places:
Cemetery of Neuilly, Rue de Vimy, 92000 Nanterre, France
James Reeves McCullers, Jr
was born on August 11, 1913, in
Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama.
In September 1937, the future Carson McCullers married Reeves, whom she met when he was in the army stationed at Fort Benning, near her hometown. The marriage was simultaneously the most supportive and destructive relationship in her life, and was from its beginning plagued by the partners' shared difficulty with alcoholism, their sexual ambivalence, and the tension caused by Reeves's envy of McCullers's writing abilities. The couple divorced in 1941, but reconciled and remarried in 1945. Reeves committed suicide in a Paris hotel room in November 1953.
He was buried at the Neuilly-sur-Seine cemetery, in the American Legion Tomb.
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