Queer Places:
100 Huntington Rd, Garden City, NY 11530
635 Perugia Way, Los Angeles, CA 90077
Washington Heights Memorial Park
South Ogden, Weber County, Utah, USA
Robert Hudson Walker (October 13, 1918 – August 28, 1951) was an American actor[1] who starred as the villain in Alfred Hitchcock's thriller Strangers on a Train (1951), which was released shortly before his early demise.
He started in youthful boy-next-door roles, often as a World War II soldier. One of these roles was opposite his first wife, Jennifer Jones, in the World War II epic Since You Went Away (1944). He also played Jerome Kern in Till the Clouds Roll By. Twice divorced by 30, he suffered from alcoholism and mental illness, which were exacerbated by his painful separation and divorce from Jones.[2] Darwin Porter, author of Merv Griffin: a Life in the Closet, said
Griffin has and affair with Robert Walker.
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