Partner William Emboden
Tony Clark (born September 4) came to Fine Art through a background in ballet in Europe and America where he was a soloist with the Paris Opera Ballet and Maurice Bejart’s Ballet Mudra. He also worked with Loring, Hightower and Cunningham. The French government awarded him a knighthood as Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, in recognition of his curation and organizing exhibitions, and in keeping the French arts alive. As a tireless supporter of the arts, he produced sixty-four events in one year alone.
William A. Emboden Ph.D., F.L.S is the author of Leonardo da Vinci on Plants and Gardens and The Visual Art of Jean Cocteau followed it. Emboden is an artist/poet in his own right. He is also a botanist and has written several books in that field. Upon his return to the USA, Clark and Emboden founded Arts of the Theatre Gallery, Los Angeles.
My published books: