Partner Gerard Reve

Queer Places:
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 55, 1012 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wilhelm Johann (Wim or Wimie) Schuhmacher (21 November 1933 – 23 November 1983) was the life companion of the Dutch writer Gerard Reve in the late 1950s. He was Reve's second great love. The relationship lasted until 1963, when he left Reve for a certain M., 'the first plumbing prize animal'. After this, Reve had an affair with Willem Bruno of Albada, better known as Tigger. Together with Reve, Schuhmacher lived in the red light district in Amsterdam, on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal. For the first few years, Reve, Reve's then-wife Hanny Michaelis and Schuhmacher lived together in the building. Michaelis lived in the front house, Reve and Schuhmacher behind. Wim Schuhmacher is regularly encountered in Reve's early books under the name 'Wimie', including In On the Way to the End. In 1980 the letter book Letters to Wimie, 1959-1963 was published, which gives a picture of their relationship from Reve's perspective. Schuhmacher worked first in education and then in journalism. From 1973 he worked for Elsevier, where he was chief of the culture department for the last five years of his life.

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