Husband Andrew Paul Holman
Queer Places:
Phillips Academy, 180 Main St, Andover, MA 01810, Stati Uniti
Harvard University (Ivy League), 2 Kirkland St, Cambridge, MA 02138
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
Rogers Pinkham, Jr. (June 5, 1923 – December 18, 2006) was an American
composer, organist, and harpsichordist.
Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, into a prominent family engaged in the manufacture of patent medicines (his great-grandmother was Lydia E. Pinkham), he studied organ performance and music theory at Phillips Academy, Andover, with Carl F. Pfatteicher. "The single event that changed my life was a concert [at Andover] by the Trapp Family Singers in 1939, right after they had escaped from Germany," Pinkham once recalled. "Here, suddenly, I was hearing clarity, simplicity. It shaped my whole outlook," he said in a 1981 interview with The Boston Globe.
At Harvard, he studied with Walter Piston; Aaron Copland, Archibald T. Davison, and A. Tillman Merritt were also among his teachers. There he completed a bachelor's degree in 1943 and a master's in 1944. He also studied harpsichord with Putnam Aldrich and Wanda Landowska, and organ with E. Power Biggs. At Tanglewood, he studied composition with Samuel Barber and Arthur Honegger, and subsequently with Nadia Boulanger.
Pinkham taught at the Boston Conservatory beginning in 1946, and at the New England Conservatory of Music from 1959 until his death in 2006; while there, he created and chaired the program on early music performance. In 1951, Pinkham conducted ten works by Boulanger Award winners in their Boston performance première in a special Peabody Mason Concert series commemorating the Paris Bi-Millennial year.[1] He also taught at various times at Simmons College (1953–1954), Boston University (1953–1954), and Harvard University (1957–1958). Among Pinkham's notable students were the jazz musician and composer Gigi Gryce (1925–1983) and the composer Mark DeVoto.
For forty-two years (1958–2000),[2] Pinkham was the organist of King's Chapel in Boston, a position which gave him much exposure to and opportunity to write church-related music; the Sunday evening concert series he created there celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. He was also a frequent guest on the E. Power Biggs program on the CBS Radio Network. He performed regularly with the Boston Symphony Orchestra as an organist and as a harpsichordist, and he performed extensively with noted violinist Robert Brink, with whom he commissioned a duo for violin and harpsichord from Alan Hovhaness.
Pinkham died in Natick, Massachusetts, of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, at the age of 83. He is survived by his longtime partner, the organist Andrew Paul Holman.[3]
Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986), Peter Buttigieg (born 1928), Daniel Pinkham (1923-2006) and Eleanor Raymond (1887-1989), all descend from the same Pilgrims, Edward Fuller and his wife (arrived with the Mayflower), William Bassett and Elizabeth Bassett, William White and Susannah Jackson (arrived with the Mayflower).
Tony Scupham-Bilton -
Mayflower 400 Queer Bloodlines
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